Wednesday 18 January 2012

Ghazal, Mimi Khalvati

Mimi Khalvati was born in 1944 in Tehran, she later moved to study in London.

The poem uses the old form of poetry, a ghazal to declare feelings to a loved one. A ghazal is an ancient form of poetry which originates from the Middle East; they often express beauty and pains of love. The final word in each couplet is identical, and the last but one word in each stanza rhyme.

The stanzas traditionally don't have to be connected. The poem explores types of love from the 'iron fist', to the controlling 'snake charmer; to 'good friends' (an unusal end to a love poem).

There is sexual imagery in the poem and the use of metaphor is obvious, as is the reference to Cupid.

Note the reference to the 'serpent'.

We are given a range of images and ideas in quick succession. The use of natural imagery makes the poem seem timeless.

Intense love is presented, as is the pleasure of being in love.

The poem presents physical desire and could be compared to Hour and To His Coy Mistress.

The use of natural imagery links to The Famer's Bride and Nettles.

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